Marianne Vlaschits
Herbarium Burggasse
Acceptable Paintings
Glitch Music
Danger Season
Stage design for Hyäne Fischer
Orbs and Awe
A Body That Lasts
The Hypnotic Spell
Falte Falte Tier schlucken
Der Hase war schuld
A New Home
I Swim Through A River Of Stars, To Drown In The Ocean Of Space
The Sword-Swallowing Toads
A Disturbance Traveling Through A Medium
Venus City
Blue Crystal Fire
Malibu Sunrise
Malibu Moonrise
Bowerbirds I
Bowerbirds II
Glitch Music
Orbs and Awe
Transitional Painting
A Body That Lasts - publication by Galerie 5020 (German)
Falte Falte Tier Schlucken
Der Hase war schuld
A New Home
The Sword-Swallowing Toad
Dance with me
Achieve harmony in bad taste
A disturbance traveling through a medium
Modern painters review
Venus City
Image and desire
Lonesome under palm trees
Glitch Music, exhibition text by Andrea Kopranovic